FLIPTOAST - Manage your Facebook® from your desktop

Halo sobat blogger, ketemu lagi. Kali ini saya akan share sebuah tool yang berfungsi untuk update status, memasukkan foto pada album, chat, menulis pada dinding teman, melihat pemberitahuan pada akun Facebook sobat blogger, serta watching video melalui youtube tanpa harus membuka browser.

Tools ini sangat berguna bagi sobat blogger yang gemar update status nya melalui aplikasi pihak ketiga. Tapi sebelumnya mari kita bahas sedikit mengenai tools ini.

The desktop application called FlipToast notifies you in real-time through a newsfeed on Facebook what is happening to users posting updates, comments, links and accessible from your personal computer. The applications first time presence can be found on Twitter on October 29th, 2010 which was titled “Freshly toasted”.
Not only does it bring your updates instantly, but it does not require the use of browser since the information from the Social network comes directly to you. The application syncs one time with the Facebook account and from that point you can continue working your PC or Mac computer with constant notifications windows appearing on screen.
The W3i Software Development Manager Shivani Khanna, was the architect and person behind the project that was successfully completed within a short time span of three weeks.

About W3i

W3i, LLC is privately held company in St. Cloud, Minnesota, is an application network that increases revenue, distribution and engagement for Windows and browser applications for consumers. W3i "utilizes a network approach combining the demand for a free and trial applications that monetized by the distribution of relevant applications when the consumer is in the installation mindset.

Berikut fungsi-fungsi FLIPTOAST :

Keterangan Gambar :
1. Berfungsi untuk update status tanpa harus membuka browser.
2. Untuk upload foto ke dalam album (dengan sistem drag/ tarik) maupun membuat album baru.
3. Melihat pemberitahuan lama maupun terbaru.
4. Melihat siapa saja yang menuliskan status terbarunya, baik pertemanan maupun pengguna facebook lainnya yang belum menjadi teman untuk sobat blogger add pertemanan.
5. Menuju ke aplikasi untuk digunakan pada akun facebook.
6. Melihat permainan terbaru.
7. Melakukan chat antar pertemanan.
8. Menulis pada dinding pertemanan.
9. Menonton video di youtube tanpa harus membuka browser.
10. Tab setting.











Bagaimana, sobat blogger tertarik untuk mencobanya?? Kalau tertarik silahkan menuju link di bawah ini :

You are was reading article FLIPTOAST - Manage your Facebook® from your desktop Permalink URL from these article is http://iblogp.blogspot.com/2011/12/fliptoast-manage-your-facebook-from.html
Hopefully the article FLIPTOAST - Manage your Facebook® from your desktop can be useful.

publisher : R. Triagus Putra

FLIPTOAST - Manage your Facebook® from your desktop is published by R. Triagus Putra. Thank you for your visit and your willingness to read this article. I hope be useful to increase your knowledge and insight. Critics and advice can you conveyed through the comments box or via email to tatabae69@gmail.com

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